Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Every Penny Counts

Last night Zac and I were checking our wedding funds/budget to make sure that we are still on track. Everything is looking good, and as long as we don't do any unnecessary spending we'll continue to stay on track. Though this is true, it's still nice to have some extra money, so we decided to pull the change out of our piggy banks and see how much we had.

We have two banks; one that I painted at Color Me Mine a few years back and the other was a gift from my time at Fresno READS. Change from a piggy bank may not sound like it will help much but since one of our piggy banks was filled to the brim and the other was halfway full I thought that we might have a good amount of money hidden away.

After going around the house and gathering change from jars, countertops, and the cars I sat down to count it all. I slowly started pouring the money out and organizing the coins into different bowls I had grabbed from the kitchen.

Once all the money was organized the counting process began. I was surprised by the amount of money we had sitting on our shelf in the office. So how much money did we have in coin?


One hundred, seventy seven dollars, and seventy three cents! (Which doesn't include the 50cent piece that is stuck in one of the banks.) I was so pleased. I thought that maybe we had around a hundred dollars (there were a lot of quarters stashed in those banks) but I didn't think that it was closer to two hundred.

Rather than putting the coins back into the piggy banks, I placed the separated coins into their own large plastic bags. Keeping them separated will help us out in the future.We plan on rolling the coins and taking them to the bank rather than dropping them in a Coinstar machine so that we can make sure we get every penny we've saved.

Since we've managed to save this much money without even being aware of it, we've decided to keep tabs of our change from now on. Any change from cash purchases will go right into one of the pigs. We're curious to see how much we can save from now until Christmas. I'll keep you posted!


Tiff For Tat said...

I Love saving money! We also have a piggy bank and anything we put into it we are spending on our honeymoon! I sometimes slip five and ten dollar bills in just to make sure we have an awesome honeymoon!!

eliz said...

I loove saving coins!! Then I love taking them to the bank and realizing that coins reallllly do add up to tons of $$$

Natalie | Mrs. Janney | said...

Oh man that is SUCH a good idea!! We don't use cash very much (thanks a lot debit cards), but maybe we should start. It might help us keep track better on how much $$$ we spend during the week. You've got me thinking here...
