Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wedding Nightmare #2

Last night I had the pleasure of experiencing another wedding nightmare. (Zac says that the two words don't belong next to each other in a sentence and while I completely agree, for a lack of a better name, that's what I'm calling it.)

Much like my first wedding nightmare, a lot of the problem was that things weren't finished yet. This time around, although we were at the right venue, we were the only ones there! Apparently none of the guests had arrived because I had forgotten to send out save the dates or invitations. (This is probably my sub consious reminding me that I have a stack of save the dates sitting on the dining room table that need to be addressed and mailed. Oops.)

Next, the bridal party was MIA. We tried calling each of them but the calls either went straight to voicemail or said that the line we were trying to reach was disconnected.

Finally, the vendors hadn't arrived to start setting everything up. We made phone call after phone call and got the same story from each vendor. No one was going to arrive because we hadn't finished paying any of them.

So there Zac and I stood all dressed up at an emtpy venue....just me and him.

My mind is playing games with me in my sleep. I woke up and couldn't help but laugh. At least the stories my brain weaves for me while I try to get some rest are things that won't happen. (*knock on wood!* :P)

There was a little bit of truth in the dream. In the end it is just me and Zac. That's what the whole day is about. How could that make me anything but happy? Sorry wedding nightmare, but you're not shaking me up!


Jasmine said...

i had the same types of dreams before our wedding and they only became more frequent as time passed! but luckily, they're just dreams! things will go smoothly!!

Liesl said...

Oh my...I haven't had any wedding nightmares yet, but I'm sure as it gets closer this might happen with my mind running like crazy about all the details and things and I hear it is normal! Beautiful picture of you both!

Liesl :)