Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Great Shoe Detective....Case Solved

Not too long ago, I gave my bridesmaid, and personal shoe detective, Amanda, the mission of finding shoes for the bridesmaids. We discussed options for colors and style (check out the thoughts on shoes here) before we started searching for the perfect shoes for the girls to wear at the wedding. After a few days of searching through pages of grey heels we found three shoes that the girls love. They are all in shades of grey, have cute details, coordinate without being matchy matchy, and (the best part) are all under $50 with tax and shipping!

Check out our picks:

Aren't they amazing?! I'm in love with all of them! Unfortunately I can't steal any of these beautiful shoes from my girls for a night out since they are all different sizes, none of which will fit me. I might end up having to order a pair (or two) for myself!

#1. Sarah

Anne Michelle - Essence 42 Ribbon Heel ...........$33.99 + shipping

I LOVE the bow detail on Sarah's shoes!

#2. Amy

Fergalicious Montage Ruffle Bootie ..........$38.47 + shipping

Another adorable shoe! I have a very similar pair of ruffle grey booties with a light brown heel that I purchased at Charlotte Russe back when I went wedding dress shopping for the first time.

#3. Amanda

Dorothey Perkins - Grey Jewel Feather Heel..........$38.69 + shipping

Our favorite heels from the beginning, we were bummed to find out that they were only available in one size which didn't fit any of the bridesmaids. Being only a half size too big for Amanda, she decided that she would wear shoe pads to fit into these because she loves them so much! I don't blame her. They're beautiful.

So glad that we were able to find three pairs of shoes that go together so well and that are so inexpensive!

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

those are great picks! i love shoe #3. i think the shoe pads to make them fit will be totally worth it!