Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rehearsal Dinner and Post Wedding Brunch

As the wedding gets closer so do the many events that come along with it. In addition to all of the fun events I discussed in the last post, we also have the rehearsal dinner and the post wedding day brunch to look forward to.

Last year when we first began planning our wedding and picked a day we settled on the first Saturday in May, which turned out to be Cinco de Mayo. At this point we were planning on having a backyard style wedding at Zac's grandparents home. When we eventually decided to have our wedding at Wolf Lakes Park instead we found out that Saturday was unavailable. So instead of a Saturday, Cinco de Mayo wedding, our big day will be on Friday, May 4th.

This change of date actually worked out very well for us. Not only is having a Friday wedding less expensive, it also frees up our Saturday to have a post wedding day brunch that embraces the theme of Cinco de Mayo. A themed brunch will be a lot more fun than a themed wedding. We're hoping that the brunch will give our out of town guests the chance to mingle and relax before heading home.

We have tons of ideas for decorations and food for the brunch. Zac and I are excited to have the party at our house the day after the wedding. The backyard is getting a little makeover (which I will be sharing a little later) and we plan to set up as much as possible before the wedding. Our goal is only to worry about the food and drinks the morning of the party.

With the brunch details taken care of, the only event left to think about was the rehearsal dinner. Zac and I didn't give it much thought at first. We figured that we would have everyone join us at a restaurant. Going through the list of restaurants close to our home, we chose Daily Grill as our favorite. It has such a great atmosphere and we had a great time last year at our engagement dinner.

The weekend of Zac's 30th birthday, we threw out the restaurant rehearsal dinner idea, when his mom, Tammie, came up with a much better plan. Zac's party took place in our backyard with tables set up on the lawn underneath our tree. Tammie suggested that with a few more lights added to the space, our backyard would be perfect for the rehearsal dinner. Zac and I completely agreed.

To go along with the Cinco de Mayo weekend, we'll be having a mexican cantina themed rehearsal dinner. The best part is that since our post wedding day brunch has the same theme we don't have to worry about decorating our space for more than one party. Since our wedding is on a Friday, our rehearsal will be the night before. Our Thursday will be spent setting up tables and chairs, and decorating for the mexican cantina rehearsal dinner that evening. Our table and chair rental should last for a few days which should allow for us to leave everything set and ready for the post wedding day brunch. We want to make things as easy as possible on everyone who is helping us out with these events and having the rehearsal dinner at our house will definitely make things easier.

I can't wait to share all the details of these events. Just another 56 days until our rehearsal! Ahhhh! :)

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