Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Days Are Numbered

Yesterday I finished the last paper of my college career!!! (Well....at least until I decide to go for my master's degree). It was a 10 page paper on the social construction of gender in the Disney Princess films. It was definitely an interesting topic and I really enjoyed researching it. Who doesn't like watching a bunch of movies for school?! There are so many instances in the films that reveal underlying messages about gender roles and stereotypes. A few examples I used in my paper:

Sending the message that love comes at the cost of personal sacrifice, Ariel is willing to trade not only her voice for a pair of legs but also her family and friends in the ocean to be in an unfamiliar land with a man that she is in love with but does not know. Ursula insists that Ariel has no need for her voice on land. She tell Ariel that making Eric fall in love with her will be easy because "You'll have your looks. Your pretty face. And don't underestimate the importance of body language." She goes on to sing: "The men up there don't like a lot of blabber. They think a girl who gossips is a bore. Yes, on land it's much preferred for ladies not say a word. After all dear what is idle prattle for?" She also says,"It's she who holds her tongue who gets the man!" Well enough talk from me, take a look :

In Snow White the evil queen becomes enraged when she discovers that another is more fair than she. To regain her status as the most fair in the land she sets out to kill Snow White. Meanwhile, Snow White does not fight back from the abuse she endures in her own home at the hands of the queen. Instead she accepts her position has housemaid and sings of waiting for her prince to home.

Competition between women is emphasized in Cinderella. The stepmother is threatened by Cinderella's beauty and is afraid that if the prince sees her, he will not choose one of her daughters to marry. (The goal of course being to gain royalty and riches) To prevent Cinderella from working on her own dress for the ball the stepmother gives Cinderella a long list of chores to complete. Shocked that Cinderella accomplishes not only the tasks but the dress in time for the big event, the stepmother allows her daughters to destroy Cinderella's outfit before leaving her alone in the house.

I find it really interesting that in all of these stories, the evil force set out to destroy the lives of the young maidens are not only women, but are older, less attractive women.

The best part about finishing the paper (besides the fact that it is 10 pages I don't have to worry about anymore) is that it means I'm done! Tomorrow is the last day of instruction. After I turn in my Anthropology paper, a packet of completion for my internship, and the 10 pages on social construction for my Art class, all that stands between me, graduation, and a fun filled summer of catch up dates with friends, morning walks in the park with my love, and some serious wedding planning, are four finals. Just 4 exams between me and my diploma!

Graduation is in 11 days! Whoo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have noticed myself that Disney movies are often loaded with underlying messages. I was asked by a friend of mine, a 2 1/2 year old, to watch Beauty and the Beast with her. I was amazed at all the messages I had never noticed before!
That must have been an amazing paper you wrote, and I would love to read it sometime! Good luck with your finals! You must be so happy a excited to be nearly done!
Love to hear from you sometime!