Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Inspired By Buble

About two weeks ago I wrote my vows while on break at work.

Yes, I realize that there are probably a few things that are weird about that sentence:

1.) The wedding is a few weeks shy of being a year away, which might seem a little too soon to be writing vows.

2.) Writing vows at work probably sounds far from romantic.

Both of these points can be explained by the fact that inspiration can come at anytime, and this case was no exception. I had no intention of writing my vows at work, epecially not on the back dock, sitting at a picnic table surrounded by some of my co-workers eating their lunch. So what drove me to write my vows right then and there?

I had just clocked out for my break and was headed outside to sit out my 30 minutes on the back dock when I heard this little tune play over the restaurant speakers:

Zac and I hold a special spot in our relationship for Michael Buble's crooning tunes. Mr. Buble has an amazing voice and his songs are always really romantic and fun. When we first started dating, the song "Home" held a special place for us. At that time, Zac was headed up north to his parents' ranch to work for a few weeks a month and it was definitely difficult to be away from each other. In case you've never heard the song....take a listen:

"Home" was the first song of Buble's that we had heard and we were pretty much hooked after that. We love listening and dancing to his Sinatra-ish sounds. On our 3rd anniversary we went to Gigi's Italian Restaurant (thanks to our friend Claire who got us a gift certificate as an anniversary gift). After being seated at our table the music changed and Buble started playing. His music played the whole time we sat in the restaurant enjoying our anniversary dinner. It was certainly just a coincidence (the music fit the vibe of the restaurant pretty perfectly) but it was a sweet little touch that made our dinner even more special.

From the first time we heard the song "Everything" it immediately became one of our favorites. The song can be found on our playlists for every road trip and is often playing on our radio while we prepare meals and eat at the table. Occasionally, we text each other a line or two when we're thinking of one another. We will definitely be dancing to this song on our wedding day but it will not be our first dance song. (Another song has been reserved for that special moment.) This song is also Zac's personalized ringtone on my phone, so I hear it everytime he calls. Needless to say, whenever I hear "Everything" I get a little happy and smiley (especially when I am at work).On this particular day hearing this song inspired me to put to paper the words that were swimming in my head.

When I thought about writing my vows, I never imagined myself sitting in my all white uniform penning those special words that I would say to Zac next year but, c'est la vie, that's what happened. As soon as I started writing I couldn't stop and before I knew it I was fixing my make-up (again I hate crying in public so at work a little mist was all that I would allow myself) and clocking back in with my vows tucked safely in my server book.

Even though those words are written on the back of a sheet of paper from my server pad, and will most likely be edited and added to over the next year, I am definitely keeping that original copy of my vows. They are a constant reminder to me of the love that Zac and I share and the exciting reality that in a year from now we'll be husband and wife.

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