Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Four Week Update

Time is seriously going by too quickly. It's unbelievable to me that Zane is four weeks old and that my maternity leave is officially over in two weeks. *sigh*

This week we've started giving Zane some tummy time on his Boppy pillow to start building up the strength of his little neck. So for about five minutes a few times a day he sits tummy to pillow. We think he likes it.

Zane seems to be getting bigger by the day. (His eating schedule no doubt has something to do with it!) We're excited that more of his newborn clothes are starting to fit him. For a while we were limited on clothing options for him because of his size. While the clothes were all long enough for him, he was swimming in most of the onesies. Zac weighed Zane the other day using our bathroom scale and (if it's accurate) he is now up to just over eight pounds. He is still a long baby who doesn't yet have a round belly but we're glad to see that he is putting on some weight. His next doctor appointment is on June 19th so we'll have to wait until then to get the official word on how much he's grown.

I had my four week postpartum appointment this morning and I am now down twenty pounds since Zane was born. I am grateful to have lost that much so far, especially since I haven't been getting any physical activity other than walking around bouncing Zane and breastfeeding. I've gotten the okay from my doctor to start working out again so I can begin to work on getting rid of the other thirteen pounds I gained during pregnancy. After that I'll start on my goal of getting back to my pre-pre pregnancy self. The real challenge will be finding the time. After an eight hour shift at work, I'm sure I'll want to take in as much time with Zane before going to bed and starting all over again. I'm sure once we get settled into a routine I will be able to get twenty minutes here and thirty minutes there. No need to rush it.

In the meantime, I'll be focusing on pumping in order to get a good supply of milk stored up, and spending as much time as I can hugging, kissing, and loving my little guy!

Bring on week 5!

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